Unwanted tab stop on mystery control within WpfThumbnailView

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Unwanted tab stop on mystery control within WpfThumbnailView

Post by junruh82 »

Good afternoon,
We have started integrating the Vintasoft WpfThumbnailViewer into our product and I've run into a snag that I can't seem to figure out. The issue is that there is a control between the WpfThumbnailViewer control and ThumbnailImageItem controls that has IsTabStop=True, I am handling tab stops outside of and within the ThumbnailImageItem controls so this unnamed control is introducing an unwanted tab-stop. The control with IsTabStop set to True appears to be some sort of custom control as the WPF Snoop program shows the control name as "()" and the data type of the control as ".". WPF Snoop shows the visual tree as follows:

- Grid
-- ScrollContentPresenter
--- Grid
==> () <====
----- Border
------ ItemsPresenter
------- WrapPanel
-------- ThumbnailImageItem

You can recreate the issue using the "WpfImagingDemo" application provided with the VintaSoftImaging.NET v7.2 demos. simply focus on the Zoom slider, press Tab, and now focus is on the mystery "()" control. Upon pressing tab again focus goes to the first ThumbnailImageItem as expected.

Ideally the template I provide for the WpfThumbnailViewer would have access to the mystery control but I would settle for being able to override a default style that would allow me to set IsTabStop=False at this point. If there are any work arounds for my problem I would greatly appreciate them. Thanks in advance!
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Re: Unwanted tab stop on mystery control within WpfThumbnail

Post by Alex »

Hello Jason,

Thank you for your post and good description of the problem. We will fix the problem in shortest time.

Best regards, Alexander
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Re: Unwanted tab stop on mystery control within WpfThumbnail

Post by Alex »

Hello Jason,

In version we have improved the WpfThumbnailViewer control for compatibility with standard algorithm of tab navigation.
Please use this version and let me know if you will have any question or problem.

Best regards, Alexander
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